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Alabama abortion hangs in the balance

HB314 bans abortion for any reason except for the life of the mother. The bill’s purpose is to establish the personhood of the unborn child and to challenge Roe v. Wade, which ruled that the unborn is not a person and does not deserve protection under the U.S. Constitution.

HB314 passed the Alabama House of Representatives in its original form on April 30. It was in the Senate Health Committee on Wednesday, May 8 and Sen. Whatley (R-Auburn) added an amendment which allows abortions for rape or incest. The amendment was passed in committee by a voice vote and was added to the bill. The amended bill came to the Senate floor on May 9 for debate and a final vote. There was a motion to “table” the amendment which was quickly accepted (“table” means to remove the amendment). So now the bill is back to its original form which is where it needs to be to challenge Roe v. Wade. The Senate then adjourned for the weekend. They will come back on Tuesday, May 14 at 4:00 p.m. to vote on the bill. We know they will try to add the amendment back on before the final vote.

The bill’s purpose is to establish personhood. If an amendment is added for rape or incest then that destroys the personhood argument. It would be inconsistent to say that the unborn child is a person, but that if he is conceived as a result of rape or incest, he is not a person. An amendment would destroy the bill’s chance to challenge Roe v. Wade. If we are going to abolish abortion, we must pass a clean bill.

Almost half of the Republican senators and all of the Democrats will try to add an exemption for rape and incest. Before Tuesday, May 14, we must convince the Republican senators to pass a clean bill. They need to hear from you! (Remember, it was a Republican who added the amendment in committee!)

Find your senator and his/her contact info by going to www.AlabamaEagle.org. Click on the top of the home page on a tab called “Contact Elected Officials.”

Call or email a message saying: “Please pass HB314-the Alabama Human Life Protection Act (or the abortion bill) in its original form with no amendments!” It’s as easy as that. You won’t have to debate anyone or explain anything-it can be as simple as one sentence. They are waiting to hear from you. I can assure the pro-abortion folks will be burning up their lines telling them to add the amendment. We must out-number them!

Becky Gerritson is the executive director of Eagle Forum of Alabama

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