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79-Year Old Alabama Man Defends His Home, Fatally Shooting Intruder

By Larry Huff

Tuesday night, two armed men broke into the home of 79-year old John Croft as he slept. When they found his room, they ordered him not to move. Thankfully, Mr. Croft proved to be a better shot than his tormentors, and fatally wounded one man before the second fled.

Though he’s lived in his Center Point, Alabama home for over twenty years, his problems with crime only started last summer. In less than a year, he’s experienced an astounding 13 home invasions, creating a level of terror most of us can’t imagine. As Mr. Croft told Fox 6 in Birmingham: “I’ve been a prisoner in my house.” 

About an hour after midnight on Tuesday night (1:15 a.m. Wednesday), the terrifying but familiar noise of a window breaking awakened Mr. Croft as it has so many times before. According to reports, two armed male intruders entered his residence while one waited in a car outside.

That’s when Mr. Croft exercised his 2nd Amendment rights and defended his life and home with necessary force, as every American citizen has the constitutional right to do.

As Mr. Croft told Fox 6:

    When I heard the noise, that’s when they opened the window from the basement coming to the level where the bedrooms are…he came over there and said, ‘Don’t move!’ He heard the bed squeak. I was getting my gun. He said, ‘Don’t move’ and he used the ‘N’ word and I shot. I hate that boy dead, but I don’t hate I shot him.”

The Sherriff’s Office news report confirmed this account:

    Information on the scene indicates that the homeowner had been asleep when he was awakened by a noise from his basement. Two suspects had forced open a basement window and entered the house. The suspects continued upstairs and confronted the victim who was still in his bed. One of the suspects ordered him not to move. The victim grabbed a gun that he kept by his bed and began firing at the suspects. One suspect fell and the other fled.

The JCSO report further states that the individual Mr. Croft shot was pronounced dead at the scene when deputies arrived. The 79-year old was also shot in the exchange, but thankfully the wound to his leg was not life-threatening. When deputies arrived, Mr. Croft was waiting on his porch with his home secured.

There’s little doubt Mr. Croft was targeted because of his age, creating the perception that his home was a defenseless, soft target. Fortunately, Mr. Croft understood this mentality and met those who clearly placed no value on his life with the force needed to protect it. It’s our hope and prayer that Mr. Croft can live the remainder of his days on this earth in the peace and serenity he deserves.

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