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7 Things: No one dare call it terrorism, Alabama Waffle House video destroys racism narrative, Birmingham mayor offers jobs for guns and more …

1. Van driver kills 10 in Toronto, the anti-thoughts and prayers crowd offers thoughts and prayers

— Witnesses said the driver was moving fast and appeared to be acting deliberately as he mowed down innocent people in broad daylight, sources in the U.S. believe it is terrorism.

— The attacker is Alek Minassian of Ontario, he used a rental van which have been used in Islamic terror attacks but officials are saying it was probably mental illness.

2. Alabama Waffle House video didn’t tell the whole story, Waffle House and police assert they did nothing wrong

— A movement has continued after law enforcement described a very different chain of events than what the “victims described this weekend.”

— Waffle House did something most corporate offices do not do — they pushed back against a popular narrative with a statement defending their employees and law enforcement.

3. Birmingham mayor Randall Woodfin is offering jobs for guns, turn your gun in and get a job but he has no plan

— Woodfin was speaking with members of the Birmingham Association of Black Journalists and told them, “Give me your gun and I will personally help you get a job.”

— In reality he offered no suggestion, mostly because the premise of this idea is nonsensical.

4. Waffle House shooter is caught, his father is in big trouble

— Travis Reinking, who’s family says he is mentally-ill, killed 4 people at the restaurant and then fled for two days. He was caught in a wooded area with a semi-automatic weapon on his person.

— His father was advised that he needed to keep the weapons secure and away from Travis, one of those weapons was used in the attack and his father could face federal charges.

5. Trump accurately describes what sanctuary cities lead to, outrage ensues

— Sanctuary cities lead to “ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept” according to President Trump, clearly referencing illegals who come to America and end up having babies.

— The American media, who can’t stand anyone not thinking all immigration is the best thing ever, tried to find out how racist the president’s words were; the White House and the press played word games even though everyone knew what he meant.

6. Mike Pompeo is to be confirmed as the Secretary of State, Rep. Mo Brooks urges Senator Doug Jones to vote yes

— Weeks of hand-wringing over an already confirmed CIA Director were for nothing as Pompeo cleared a Senate committee after Sen. Rand Paul came on board.

— Democrats are now lining up to vote for Pompeo with West Virginia’s Sen. Joe Manchin and Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana the latest red state Democrats to come on board.

7. Americans believe teachers are underpaid, which is a pretty obvious result

— A recent poll shows 78 percent of Americans think teachers should make more money, after Arizona teachers voted down a 20 percent pay raise.

— In Arizona, teachers are striking for more pay and higher taxes. That game-plan would change the numbers of those in support to about half of Americans.

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