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7 Things: Iran Deal could be killed today, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones will give back illegal donations, another progressive hero goes to sexual misconduct allegations, and more …

1. Disastrous Iran deal seems to be on life support, Kerry’s shadow diplomacy all but seals that

— President Donald Trump has announced that he will announce the fate of the Iran deal today at 2:00 PM EST, he is expected to end or drawdown the program.

— Trump’s references to former Secretary of State Kerry’s attempts to save the deal could signal it’s demise, tweeting “The United States does not need John Kerry’s possibly illegal Shadow Diplomacy on the very badly negotiated Iran Deal. He was the one that created this MESS in the first place!”

2. Sen. Doug Jones’ office says he will return the money he illegally received from Rosie O’Donnell in 2017

— Jones’ treasurer told Yellowhammer News, “The campaign will bring this situation into full compliance which, in this case, will be done with a refund of the amount over $2,700.”

— O’Donnell’s donations do not appear to be mistakes — she used 5 different addresses and 4 variations of her name in order to make her donations.

3. Attorney General Jeff Sessions continues to be the Trump Administration’s MVP

— The much maligned former senator for Alabama continues to be the strong immigration face of a chaotic administration and has declared a “zero tolerance policy” on illegal border crossings.

— Sessions announced, from San Diego, “I have put in place a zero tolerance policy for illegal entry on our southwest border. If you cross the border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you. It’s that simple.”

4. Attorney General candidate Alice Martin appears to have improperly sought an appointment from Gov. Robert Bentley

— Former Senator Luther Strange sought an appointment from Gov. Bentley while he should have been investigating him; Martin appears to have done the same thing.

— Martin implied that taking or seeking the endorsement from Bentley was inappropriate, in reference to current AG Steve Marshall, meanwhile evidence has emerged that she sought the appointment, interviewed for it, and was dishonest about it.

5. Another progressive hero exposed as a monster – New York’s Attorney General is accused of sexual assault

— Eric Schneiderman has now resigned after The New Yorker printed allegations of abuse by four different women, even though Schneiderman contests the allegations.

— As continues to happen, an outspoken liberal hero of the #MeToo movement and proud member of “The Resistance” has been outed as a potential physical abuser and sexual deviant.

6. President Trump looks to avoid another Alabama in West Virginia

— President Donald Trump warned Republicans in West Virginia not to vote for Donald Blankenship in that state’s Republican primary because the candidate, who did jail time for a safety violation that killed 29 miners and who has made racial gaffes, would be an easier opponent for incumbent Democrat Senator Joe Manchin.

— Trump and GOP strategists fear another primary that ends with an easy to demonize candidate that fails to pick up a seat that appears to be an easy lay-up for a non-controversial candidate.

7. Poll deniers will love these polls that show more approve of the way the country is doing than have since 2007

— 57 percent say things are going well in the country. This is up from 49 percent in February.

— While Trump’s performance approval numbers remain stagnant, his numbers on individual issues are continuing to climb.

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