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7 Things: Hiring Freeze at Auburn; Biden unwilling to criticize business partners; and more …

7. Former state representative’s victim asks that case be dismissed

  • The accuser of former State Rep. Perry Hooper Jr. (R-Montgomery) is now requesting that the sexual abuse charges filed against him be dismissed. Hooper, allegedly, “grabbed the victim’s breasts and waist while shoving his pelvis against the victim’s backside” and “he then began kissing her neck before she was able to break free.”
  • Her statement, released by Alexander City attorney Dianne James Davis, reads, “I have asked that any charges against Perry Hooper be dismissed,” she said. “The matters relating to Mr. Hooper and me have been resolved and going through the turmoil of a trial would provide no more justice than getting a sincere public apology from Mr. Hooper. I so respect and appreciate law enforcement and the job they have to perform, nevertheless, I request these charges be dismissed.”

6. Vaping and fentanyl warnings in Baldwin County Schools

  • The Baldwin County School System sent a message to parents on Monday warning them that students are using vape pens to inhale illicit substances and that could kill them. Clearly, this is a reference to fentanyl overdoses in the U.S.

  • Baldwin County Schools Superintendent Eddie Tyler said he compared this to placing a wrecked car on the highway to warn of drunk driving, “This is not about a drug problem in Baldwin County Schools. We’ve had very few expulsions because of drugs. But it’s a wakeup call to our Baldwin County communities on what’s happening with this deadly trend.”

5. Rail shutdown could be averted

  • Congress may have to act to avoid a strike by the nation’s rail workers. President Joe Biden says Congress needs to act “immediately” and get on the right track. Biden said, “I am calling on Congress to pass legislation immediately to adopt the tentative agreement between railroad workers and operators – without any modifications or delay – to avert a potentially crippling national rail shutdown.”

  • If this does not happen, a rail strike could occur Dec. 9 and that would bring shortages, higher prices, production problems at factories, commuter issues for up to 7 million people, and transportation for 6,300 carloads of food and farm products every day.

4. Surprise! The media freakout over Justice Alito was incorrect

  • Once again, the media’s narrative about a conservative member of the Supreme Court has run into a problem when the reality is brought to light. Don’t expect the same level of coverage that the initial accusations brought and do expect this story to be brought up by that same media in the same way allegations against other justices are.

  • Democrats made the allegation that Justice Samuel Alito told an evangelical minister about a pending ruling. Ethan Torrey, legal counsel for the Supreme Court, said this is unfounded, saying neither Justice Alito nor his wife told Gayle Wright “about the decision in the Hobby Lobby case, or about the authorship of the opinion from the court.” There is no evidence he violated ethics standards.

3. Media needs Trump and Trump needs them

  • Depending on which story you read, Republicans are taking Donald Trump to task for “eating with rapper Kanye West and far-right media figure Nick Fuentes” or not enough Republicans are taking Donald Trump to task for “eating with rapper Kanye West and far-right media figure Nick Fuentes.”
  • It really is a “choose your own adventure” story. From the stories, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), John Thune (R-S.C.), Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) all criticized the president for meeting with these guys. Rubio said he hoped to see the former president condemn Fuentes, “because I know [=(Trump’s) not an antisemite. I can tell you that for a fact that Trump is not, but (Fuentes is) evil … just a nasty disgusting person. He’s an ass clown, and he’s trying to legitimize himself by being around a former, maybe future president.”

2. Biden White House is very weak on human rights

  • China is locking people in their homes, beating them, cracking down on the limited freedoms they have, while some in the Western media cheer them on and the Biden administration says they have nothing to add to the conversation on the matter. No statement or tweets from President Joe Biden or Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the protestors are speaking for themselves.
  • Biden’s failure to speak out on China could be tied to his son’s business dealings in the country and the famous, “10% for the big guy” for himself. Say what you will about President Donald Trump, for all of his international business ties he was not afraid to criticize foreign governments. When asked directly about the brutality in China, he said, “The President’s not going to speak for protesters around the world. They’re speaking for themselves.”

1. Cadillac junked, Freeze moving in

  • Auburn University has brought in Hugh Freeze from Liberty University which would see Liberty get $3 million as part of a buyout and Freeze get $6.5 million a year for 6 years. He took Liberty from a new-to-the FBS school to a regular bowl game attendant with a 34-15 record.
  • Freeze’s record on the football field is… OK. His record with recruits, escorts and students is a bit more spotty.

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