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7 Things: DC & NYC keep attacking Trump as if nothing’s changed, Confederate monument fights to intensify, Lt. Governor race is about Governor’s office, and more

1. After a great week for President Trump, the DNC files lawsuits and the mainstream media pretends nothing changed

— After Trump legislative affairs director Marc Short stated he knows of no desire to fire Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller, Politico headline read, “Trump official won’t rule out firing Mueller”.

— Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s favorite reporter says President Trump’s attorney is about to totally flip on the president.

2. Democrats and the media want to fight over Confederate monuments in Alabama; Republicans should welcome this 

— Democrat constituencies, including the NAACP and the SPLC, are channeling national frustrations into movements in the state of Alabama to take these monuments down.

— While Governor Kay Ivey has made the battle over the monuments a focal point of their campaign’s outreach to Republican voters, Republican lawmakers passed laws protecting the monuments that are being challenged in court.

3. Alabama Lieutenant Governor’s race is going to be a contested mess with big dollars and high-stakes

— 3 Republicans and 1 Democrat are pursuing a largely ceremonial office that has been stripped of its power over the years. They have raised over $3 million dollars combined.

— To put this crassly, this race is to see who gets to be the front-runner for governor in 2022 or assume the position earlier, as has happened often in Alabama politics.

4. A shooting at a Waffle House in Nashville leaves 4 dead and a hero wrestled the gun away

— A man armed with an AR-15 killed 4 and injured 8. He had previously been arrested at the White House and had his weapons taken away, only to have them returned to his father.

— Nashville’s mayor called for gun control, saying “We need comprehensive gun reform to address mass shootings, domestic shootings, accidental shootings and homicides. If we can all just come together for this and for the greater good, we can take these weapons of war off the streets of our country.”

5. The Democrat “blue wave” is all the rage, but there are some issues bubbling below the surface

— Democrats have the advantage of an unpopular president, a midterm election, a generic ballot advantage, and a fawning 24-hour news cycle leading them towards an election cycle that should end favorably for them.

— But under that advantage, national Democrats are attempting to keep more extreme members of their party off the ballot with bad poll numbers and unflattering opposition research.

6. A buried CDC report shows the agency uncovered over 2 million examples of gun owners using weapons in self-defense

— Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck conducted the survey on the defensive uses of guns in America per year. The results were never released.

— The question asked was, “During the last 12 months, have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?” The results indicated 2.2 million people would have had such an interaction.

7. Happy Confederate Memorial Day or something

— From Wikipedia: Confederate Memorial Day (also called Confederate Heroes Day in Texas) is a holiday observed in several Southern states since the end of the American Civil War to remember the estimated 258,000 Confederate soldiers and sailors who died fighting against the Union.

— Every year, Alabama state employees get the day off… and that is about it.

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